Midnight Assassin: A Murder in America's Heartland
The Called Shot

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Glaspell's Articles



Some One Held Grudge Against Him
Said to Have Been Chicken Blood on Ax.

INDIANOLA, Dec. 4.--(Special)--Persons who went to the home of John Hossack Monday and saw the murdered man in his bed, and heard portions of the testimony before the coroner's jury, are all at sea as to who killed Hossack or for what reason. There is no evidence of burglary. The murderer came through a porch and front room to the bed room where Mr. and Mrs. Hossack slept. He evidently reached across the bed with an ax and struck two blows. One crushed in the skull and the other made a deep cut, yet Hossack lived from Saturday night until 10 a.m. Sunday, though he did not regain consciousness, and no one has yet been found who can give a clue to the murder. The ax was found under a shed about fifty feet from the house. Mrs. Hossack swore before the jury that she was awakened about midnight by the slamming of a door, saw a flash of light and then all was dark. She called to her husband but as he did not respond, she got up and lighted a lamp. Then she discovered him on the bed, with blood all over the clothing. She said she did not hear the blows nor see any one. The officers are investigating.

It is rumored that trouble had arisen in the Hossack household and that possibly some relative committed the murder.

The funeral of Mr. Hossack was set for Wednesday at 1 p.m. from the First M.E. church at New Virginia. The family consisted of wife, and four children, who were at home.

Burt Osborn and Harry Hartman of Indianola went to the Hossack home Sunday afternoon and took flashlight photographs of the remains of Hossack as they lay on the bed. The left temple is crushed in, probably by the butt end of the ax; while the upper part of the head is deeply gashed.

The ax, which was found under a shed and covered with blood, has been sent to a chemist, who is to report whether or not the blood is human or from chickens, as stated by some members of the family.

The report that Hossack did not regain consciousness, is contradicted. One of his sons testified before the coroner's jury that he said to his father, "Well, pa, you are badly hurt," and that he replied:

"No, I'm not hurt, but I'm not feeling well."

It is said that Hossack did not make any statement as to whom he suspected of the crime.

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Midnight Assassin copyright © 2021; Patricia L. Bryan and Thomas Wolf