Glaspell's Articles
INDIANOLA, Jan. 14.--There is a bare possibility that the Hossack case, Indianola's big murder sensation, may come to Des Moines.
Recently it has developed there is a disposition on the part of the defense to take the case from Warren county on a change of venue, it being alleged that an impartial jury cannot be secured. Since the prisoner waived preliminary examination and allowed the case to go to the grand jury it is said the feeling against her has developed to such an extent that it is feared that it will be impossible to secure a man from Warren county to sit on the jury who has not formed some idea of the case and an adverse opinion of the defendant. With that idea in view it is said relatives of the defendant urged Attorneys Berry and Henderson to move for a change of venue, if Mrs. Hossack is indicted, taking the case to some county other than Warren.
Some of the parties concerned have expressed a desire that the matter be transferred to the Polk county court, and it is believed the court taking in mind the expressed wishes of the parties who have most at stake, will grant the request.
John Hossack, it will be remembered, on the night of December 1, was struck on the head with an ax while sleeping. Mrs. Hossack, who was occupying the same bed with her husband was arrested on the charge of having murdered him. The arrest was made just as the sexton was throwing the last clods on the grave of her murdered husband, and created a profound sensation. She was brought to Indianola and placed in jail, the coroner's jury failing to reach a conclusion as to the theory of death.
The murder is one of the most sensational that has occupied the attention of a criminal court for years.